Happiness is not a matter of intensity
but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.
-- Thomas Merton

Monday, August 27, 2012

Free Shakespeare in the Park

Several weeks ago Bryan and I went over to Griffith Park on a Monday.  I had never been to Griffith Park and so we drove around and then enjoyed a picnic.  In our tour of the park we saw signs for "Free Shakespeare."  I took down the website and looked it up when I got home.

This past Saturday night we invited some friends and went to see a Midsummer's Night Dream at Griffith Park.  We parked near the merry-go-round and then hiked up the hill with our picnic supper.  If you bring a chair you have to sit back a ways but I much prefer to get out of chair than off the ground.  The bathrooms are close by. There are concessions.  The play is free.  We got there early enough to stake out some ground fairly close to the front.

The performance has quite a few modern additions.  For example, I doubt that the word "bratwurst" was in the original Shakespeare version. The costumes were definitely not Shakespearean.  I read on Yelp that sometimes the sound of the coyotes drown out the actors.  They do not have any microphones, they simply project.  None of that detracted from the play.  I had a thoroughly amazing time.  The modernization helped me follow the plot.