Happiness is not a matter of intensity
but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.
-- Thomas Merton

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Eddie Izzard

 Gayle and I had made all our reservations when I called her and told her I had heard of a little Art Colony in West Texas called Marfa.  I wondered if we could rearrange our schedule.  We cancelled reservations and made new ones.  Marfa is yet to come.

Then Gayle called me and said that Eddie Izzard was going to be in Austin on November 2 and she wondered if we could spend one less day on Padre Island and come back through Austin.  There were only two tickets together left.  We snatched them up. Then we rearranged our schedule again.  

Today we got up in anticipation of tickets to the Paramount Theater in Austin to see Eddie Izzard.  I was up in time to see the sunrise between two buildings in our partial ocean view.  I put a coat over my nightgown and sat in a rocking chair on our balcony and just soaked up the beauty.  

We left our VRBO by 10 a.m. and drove south to beachcomb one last time before we headed to Austin.  On both sides of the road is this "prairie grass" that reminds me of dreadlocks.  Gayle has an app she uses to tell her what plants she is seeing.  It is a bushy bluestem.

We took the first beach access road once we hit the Padre Island National Seashore.  We drove out on the sand and went far enough that we had the place to ourselves. 

There weren't any amazing seashells.  However, time next to the ocean is never, ever wasted on Gayle and I.  I'm just glad there isn't a tropical storm or atmospheric river on this trip. 

Instead of picking up seashells I picked up trash instead.  I found a large pot, remnants of a milk crate and some broken glass.  I felt like a good citizen when I dumped them into the trash bins.

We got on the road and headed back to Austin. We were looking for a place to get a late breakfast but we found ourselves in a food desert.  We drove all the way back to San Antonio before we found a place to stop.  We ate quickly and got into Austin just after 3 p.m.  We needed to do laundry before we headed out for dinner and a show.  When we made a reservation for tonight we had a hard time finding a place to stay in Austin.  Everything seemed incredibly expensive.  It made us wonder if there is a college football game tonight or something else to bring people in from out of town.  We are staying at a Staybridge.  They upgraded us and we have a two bedroom, two bath suite.  The laundry room is right next door and it is free. 

We hurriedly got our laundry done and made reservations at a place called Caroline's near the Paramount Theater. Across from the theater is a statue of Angelina Eberly.  She realized that the archives of Texas were being secretly moved and so she ran out and fired a cannon into the General Land Office Building, which roused the town of the "theft".  The conflict that ensued is called the Archive War.  It was won by the Austinites, which preserved Austin as the capital of Texas and the keeper of the archives. I was surprised that moving archives could lead to war.  Good to know.

We had our dinner and walked over to the theater for our seats on row A.  It is a beautiful old theater. Eddie Izzard was good.  Her stand-up is rapid fire.  Her super fans sat all around us laughing so loud we couldn't make out half of what she said.  But the half I did understand was very good!  She gave us almost two hours of fast paced comedy.  We made it back home and both fell in bed immediately.  We have an early day tomorrow.

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