Happiness is not a matter of intensity
but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.
-- Thomas Merton

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Day Eight -- Vernazza

We slept in today. We woke up to the sound of wind, rain and the sounds of people gathering for breakfast on the terrace below us. We didn't shower. We just put on our clothes and dragged our smelly bodies down to join the others. The owner, Lisa (pronounced Lee-zah), was standing at the edge of the terrace handling three umbrellas in an attempt to keep people dry from the rain. Since we were the last ones down we got the wettest seats. Another woman was scurrying around making cappuccinos, drying off seats, etc. The breakfast array was perfect. I had coffee cake (made by Lisa) with clementine orange jam (made by Lisa). The couple sitting nearest to us are from Seal Beach. 

Everyone else seemed ready for adventure. We just want some clean clothes! Lisa said she would do one load for us. We were so grateful. Before it got any wetter we put on rain gear and went in search of the ATM. With more money in our pockets we found a small grocery store. We bought some cookies, strawberries, bananas, raisin bread and salami. Then back up the hill.  It was raining hard enough that water was beginning to run down the stone steps, making them slippery. 
Back in the room, Gayle had some work to do.  I caught up on my journal, my blog and wrote some postcards. We snacked on our groceries and then took naps. We woke up to the sounds of the rain, the train and church bells.  At 7 p.m. it stopped raining so hard and we ventured out in search of food. Vernazza is just as beautiful at night.
We ate in a pizzeria near the harbor. We capped off our meal with panna cotta doused in carmel sauce. We trudged up the main thoroughfare, past the tiny little Chapel and the WWI/WWII Memorial and back up the steep steps. I hope the rain stops tomorrow but we have desperately needed a day to be still.

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