Happiness is not a matter of intensity
but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.
-- Thomas Merton

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Two Strangers

I threw on some clothes this morning and walked to Embankment Place in search of some Monmouth Coffee.  I was successful.  Gayle and I headed out at 10 a.m. to go to the Wolseley.  It is a restaurant in Mayfair that serves very British fare in an art deco restaurant.  Gayle brought a cane with a fold down seat on it, which was a great buy.  She did overdo it yesterday so we decided not to walk or do all the stairs in the tube to get to the Wolseley. Just once on this trip we should take a Black Taxi.  So we grabbed one outside the hotel.  Unfortunately it is Wednesday, one of the days of the week when the Royal Horseguard parade takes place.  So many streets were blocked off and traffic rerouted that it was a bit of nightmare and it cost us quite a bit to take the taxi during that time.  But the taxi driver was good and pointed out interesting sites for us.  We did drive by the Royal Horseguards building and got a preview.

When we arrived at our destination, I made Gayle pose by the Black Taxi.  Can you tell she didn’t love doing it?

The Wolseley was amazing.  Gayle especially loved the tea strainer that hooked on the side of the cup and when you took it off your cup it formed its own catch basin.  Brilliant.  Every item had its own special utensil.  I ordered fresh mint tea and I got a glass tea cup.  The waiter told me that fresh mint tea is served in glass.  

I ordered soft boiled eggs with “soldiers”.  We conjectured what the soldiers would be.  They were thin strips of buttered toast to dip in my egg yolk.  I loved my dual egg cup and made sure I took a strategically-placed photo of it.  

When we were done with breakfast we had some time to kill.  We were close to Green Park so we headed over there just as everyone who had been at the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace started making their way to Piccadilly Circus.  

Gayle whipped out her “cane chair” and we people watched for a bit.  I wanted to sit in the chairs behind her on the grass but I read that it cost 4 pounds per hour.     I will drop some pounds on an elegant British breakfast but I’m too cheap to spend 4 pounds to sit in a chair.

We walked down past the armed guards in front of Clarence House where Charles and Camilla live.  Then we went to St. James’ Palace to watch the guards there.  

All the buildings in this area are so well-maintained and unique.  I especially loved the columns on this building.

We decided we needed to find a place to sit. We headed into St. James’ Square.  It was beautiful and filled with people on their lunch break.  Some were sitting on a park bench or on the grass picnicking.  Others were simply using their lunch hour to get in their steps.  We sat for quite a bit just enjoying the day, the beauty and the people passing us by.  

Eventually we walked up to Piccadilly Circus to the statue of Eros.  The place has the feel of a mini Times Square with street performers and too many people in a limited space.  

We had tickets for “Two Strangers (Carry a Cake Across New York)”. The Criterion Theatre, where this musical is playing, is located right next to the statue.  The musical only has two characters and the set is a stack of luggage that becomes a bed, a subway, a taxi, a bar, a closet and coffee shop.  It was simple and ingenious.  We were on the front row of the first balcony in a very small theater.  The seats were good and the musical was excellent. 

When the musical was over we took an Uber (half the cost of the taxi) to Dishoom for an early dinner.  It is a well-known restaurant fashioned after the old Irani (an ethno-religious community in India who descended from Zoroastrians who emigrated from Iran to British India) cafes in Bombay.  It is owned and operated by two cousins of Irani descent.  When I was researching where to eat this place was high on the list.  We had been warned that it is popular and we should get there early.  There was a line when we arrived.  We were brought warm chai while we waited.  Within 10 minutes we were inside and seated.  Our food was served promptly after we ordered.  It was delicious….the best Indian food of my life.  I can’t say enough about the okra fries dipped in tamarind sauce.  The place was bustling and loud.  You don’t have to worry that the people seated near you will overhear your conversation.  I asked the waitress how many staff work there.  She said around 200.  When we were done and came out inside the line was down the block, further than I could see.  I am glad we got there early!

We took an Uber back to our hotel.  I had a lovely FaceTime conversation with Brett.  He is in La Havre, France.  We filled each other in on our current adventures.  It was so good to see his face and laugh with him.  By then my eyes were drooping and I headed to bed. Tomorrow we go to see “Much Ado About Nothing” at the Old Globe.

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