Happiness is not a matter of intensity
but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.
-- Thomas Merton

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I turned 51 yesterday. Last year for my 50th birthday Bryan and I spent two nights in Laguna. It was heavenly and so we decided to try it again. Work commitments kept us from two nights but one night was easier on the pocketbook. We stayed at an oceanfront hotel so close to the beach that one review said, "The only way you could get closer to the water is if you were on a boat. The waves crash so loudly that Bryan and I have to keep asking each other to repeat everything. So we just quit talking and let the sound take us to a zen place. This is the view from our porch.
On the way down Bryan reminded me that last year a huge dragon fly came into our room, attracted by the light. It was quite the adventure getting it back out of our room. I caught most of it on video. When we checked in this year they gave us the exact same room. Late in the evening, lulled by the sounds and smells of the ocean, Bryan had fallen asleep and I was reading my Facebook birthday wishes. Again we were visited by the biggest dragonfly. This year's adventure was even more exciting. Bryan finally captured her and as he released her outside he said, "See you again same time next year!" I hope so.

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