Happiness is not a matter of intensity
but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.
-- Thomas Merton

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Anniversary and Adventure

Today (April 23)  is the third anniversary of Bryan's death. One of the reasons for this trip at this time was so I could be away from home on this date. We got up early so we could get to Seattle by noon. As we were scurrying around the hotel room Matt said, "When does the vacation begin?" I said, "You get to sleep in on Thursday." We made it to Seattle by 11:30 a.m. We were scheduled to drop off the artwork in my backseat at noon. It turns out the Jen's brother lives at the waterfront near Pike Place in a penthouse apartment. He was tickled to have this piece of art in his living room. 

We went to Pike Place and found a delicious deli where we bought soup, strawberry and rhubarb salad and a sandwich we could share.  We found a table looking out at the water and finally felt like we were on vacation. Then we strolled through the market enjoying the flowers, wares and fresh seafood. 

We bought some coffee and headed over to the large ferris wheel on the waterfront. It was a good view and worth the price. 

Our next destination was the Chihuly Glass Museum and Garden. It was a much longer walk than I realized. When we got there we found a little cafe with a ceiling covered in accordions. We got some cold drinks while I recovered.

I expected the glass museum to be stunning. It was even cooler than I imagined. 

When we were finished indoors we enjoyed the glass house.

Then the gardens.

The plants were almost as cool as the blown glass.

We rode the monorail back downtown.

We still had several blocks to walk when Matt came up with the idea that we should rent electric bikes and ride them back to Pike Place. So much fun!  We sat in the bar of a nice restaurant and ate seafood and talked about Bryan. We miss him so much.

We retrieved the car and headed north to Anacortes. We will take the ferry from there to British Columbia tomorrow. I brought some of Bryan's ashes along with the idea that we would spread some on the anniversary of his death. We walked down towards the water's edge. But it was muddy, smelly and next to a train track. We knew Bryan would hate the idea. So we will look for a different opportunity.

Our hotel has a casino attached. We decided to walk through it. I sat down at a couple different slot machines and won $200.  We made it through this painful day by filling it with adventure and love.

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