Happiness is not a matter of intensity
but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.
-- Thomas Merton

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I promise I won't blog every day but since this is the first day of my sabbatical, I couldn't help myself. I went to bed last night with dreams of sleeping in late and then staying in bed to read. Perhaps once I finally got out of bed Brett and I would go to the beach.

At 5:30 a.m. Brett told me he needed to go to urgent care. I found a 24 hour site and took him. The doctor said that Brett may need to go to emergency. But eventually the doctor gave him two shots and two prescriptions and said if Brett doesn't improve soon that he needed to go to the hospital to have his tonsil drained. That is how my sabbatical started.

So while Brett was sleeping I decided to clean out the junk drawer in the kitchen. It actually was on my sabbatical to-do list. I found 10 decks of cards, more rubber bands than I will use in a lifetime, coupons that expired in 2008, and things I couldn't identify. When I had it all cleaned out I let it sit that way for a while. It just seemed wrong to put junk back in it.

It reminded me of when I went in for a colonoscopy. After the several days of cleaning out my system and the procedure I was hungry. The doctor said I should go out for breakfast but that just seemed wrong. I was cleaner than I had ever been before. Why put junk back into my body? So what did I learn on my first day? I learned that when you finish cleaning your junk drawer you still have a junk drawer.

1 comment:

  1. Hope that Brett is improving and feeling better.
    We miss you already.
