Happiness is not a matter of intensity
but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.
-- Thomas Merton

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Perfect Day!

Brett and I are at Monument Valley in the Navajo Tribal Park in Utah. We are staying at the View hotel -- the only hotel in the tribal park. It deserves it's name. Every room faces to the east for what we are told are spectacular sunrises behind these two structures that are referred to as the "mittens." Morning twilight begins at 5:39 a.m. We are hoping to be up for it.

We got here in time for Brett to take a 4 mile run around the west mitten at sunset. When he still wasn't back by dark I was sure he had been bitten by a rattlesnake or had run off the trail and was lost. But, of course, he returned in fine condition and with tales of the beauty he had seen.

Every night this hotel shows one of the movies that has been filmed at Monument Valley. Tonight they are showing a John Wayne movie. They show it on an outside wall of the hotel. It sounds so cheesy we thought it would be fun to go but then we found out you could see it from our hotel balcony. If all of this wasn't fun enough there is a lightning storm passing by us and lighting up the "mittens." Plus, there are stars...glorious stars. What a perfect day!


  1. Okay, so no one has anything to say yet. Leave it to Hart and her inability to remain silent for long.

    Susan, your visit to the church in Oregon prompted the question of how to keep a church vibrant during the summer months. As a fairly new member, I have been amazed at how much the LVCoB manages to keep the music and the magic moving in the lazy days of July and August. When informed last year that the choir would not be around for the summer, I wondered where the music which I enjoy so much would come from. My question was answered with a great affirmation by many musicians who contributed their time and their talent. Anyway, just a thought about this topic. There may be more that could be done, but the truth is (IMHO) that people are less inclined to get up, get dressed and head for church on a summer morning when the beach beckons or the backyard pool sparkles an invitation.

    I have been keeping up fairly well with your comments on all you're doing and I look forward to each entry. Love the picture of the "mittens." Part of the setting of my book is in a desert that looks very much like that.

    Continue taking in the marvel that is this planet with which God has blessed us and thank you for sharing it all with us here. Stay safe.

  2. Thanks for reading my blog. I am having fun creating it. I agree that the La Verne Church of the Brethren is blessed with so many accomplished musicians. I could have just as easily mentioned that we don't have Sunday School in the summer. The truth is that churches across our country scale back for the summer months and I think that is okay. But I do think we need to ask ourselves how we can keep things vibrant in other ways. I hear you saying that we do and I am grateful to you for saying that.
