Happiness is not a matter of intensity
but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.
-- Thomas Merton

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Picking Up From Where We Left Off

My extended family gathered at Silver Falls Conference Center, way back in the woods. So far back I didn't have phone reception. It is an incredible place. I highly recommend it for family reunions. There was plenty of grass for playing lawn games. There was a heated pool and several different gathering locations. The food was good and the best part was someone else cooked it. There are many, many beautiful hikes to walk. One morning I went for a hike with my sister and her family. We hiked to two falls and behind both of them. It was too hard for me but we won't go into that sad tale.

When I am with my extended family I get where I come from. My grandparents cared deeply about the church, service, adventure and relationships. My Uncle Richard loves to talk about movies, relationships, who we are at our core, theology and much more. He likes to talk about the things I like to talk about. Needless to say, I could talk to him for hours!

I have a great niece who was at the reunion. Every other time I have been around her she has been too shy for me to come very close. But she is now three and very self confident. She is exploring her world. She let me pick her up and talk to her a couple times but her real interest was my cousin David. David is 50 years old. He is on disability and he moves slowly and gently. She called David her best friend. Every time she saw him her eyes would light up. She sat by him at meals, family gatherings and car trips. She convinced him that he wanted to play "Go Fish." It was the highlight of my trip to Oregon, watching the connection between generations.

Families are interesting. We are so different from each other and yet there are deep similarities that connect us. When we get together we don't have to start at the beginning. We can pick up from where we stopped last time.

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